
A glimpse on Cloud Server and its types

iFour Team - November 18, 2020

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A glimpse on Cloud Server and its types
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Designing a beautiful website layout is not just enough, one also needs to upload it online, and this is where Web hosting service comes into the picture. A Web Host links your website to the main server giving you the online space to set up your virtual identity.

There are various types of web hosting available. One can share the server space with other enterprises, host your site on the cloud hosting, or create a dedicated server to host the respective website.

Today, every business has its own website which was implemented and hosted with the assistance of eminent Software Development Firms. Looking over the digital transformation, various organizations have already started to adopt Cloud servers for their business operations.

What is a Cloud Server?

Cloud is a virtual real-time environment that is hosted by several connected servers in one place. It is a perfect match for all businesses who require to optimize IT performance without wasting much of the capital in buying IT infrastructure.

The performance and productivity of the hosting service are directly proportional to the number of servers the host associates. Here, Bigrock is the best match for any cloud hosting which is popular for its lightning-fast server operational time, low-cost resources, and flexible framework.

What is a Dedicated Server?

A dedicated server goes by its name itself, Dedicated. It is a physical server that can be bought by some or get it on lease to handle all their data. Possibly it is the finest solution for large-scale businesses especially for those who require high-level data security or organization which have predictable demand for running all their servers in a 24/7 environment.

Features of Cloud Server Hosting

On-Demand capabilities

It can allow accessing a pool of resources and the ability to change the cloud service from an online control panel or else directly from the provider. One is allowed to add or delete the users and change the respective networks and software.

Broad Network Access

It provides the access to the business employees to use business applications and other authorized important documents which can be seen from your smartphones, tablets, laptops, and none other than the desktop computer system. With the use of such devices, one can access the file from a single access point.

Resource Pooling

Employees can retrieve data as cloud technology permits to enter and use it through a business management software hosted in the cloud at the same time. It is accessible from any location in the world.

Rapid Elasticity

Cloud technology is flexible and scalable of the type which is suitable for any good business requirements.

Features of Dedicated Server Hosting


One can run, own, and control all the physical servers to gain security. Web hosts protect the data by allowing authorized users to access it. They have biometric access and proximity card reader to secure the servers from the cyber threats.


Business owners are allowed to modify the hardware and software config as per their business requirements.

Uninterrupted Bandwidth

No other website is hosted on the same server because for that reason the hosting user will get uninterrupted bandwidth. There will be no bandwidth shortage problems.

Unrestricted access and control

The creator of the hosting server is provided with the full root admin access. This allows admin to customize the dedicated server and get unrestricted access to the computer system.

Key Difference between Cloud Server Hosting and Dedicated Server Hosting

  • 1. Costing:Dedicated servers’ charge $100 to $1000 monthly which depends on the package the business owner is choosing while cloud hosting charges as per the usage of the server.

  • 2. Performance:Both hosting servers quite good if comparing performance-wise. Dedicated servers are as fast as the Cloud servers.

  • 3. Reliability:Since the data is stored and retrieved from several machines over the cloud, a web application will never face a problem whenever a single machine fails. On the other hand, the dedicated server holds no possibility of system recovery if the server fails.

If the company or organization is holding up very sensitive data, for example, financial or personal data-carrying identity information then the dedicated servers are the best option. But for all other companies or organizations, Cloud server hosting is best. The data will be accessible from any corner of the world and it keeps the business running constantly.

What is Best for the Enterprises? - Public Cloud Vs Private Cloud

Cloud computing is a fundamental part of businesses today. Private Cloud and Public Cloud are two admired categories of this metamorphic network-computing model for expanding an organization, it becomes assertive to know the difference between the public cloud and private cloud. Today, almost all business domains have started to adopt Cloud-based solutions with the support of cloud-based solution providers and Software Development Firms.

The operative advantages entangled make it evaluative for transpiring B2B and B2C enterprises alike to acknowledge the differences between the two and strengthen them.

Public Cloud

A public cloud is a standard cloud computing model wherein the service provider handles storage and computing resources on behalf of the customer across the globe. It runs on the data center or proprietary network of the user and is controlled by outsiders, applications from different clients that are shared on the supplier’s cloud servers, accumulating frameworks, and systems.

Public Cloud has repeatedly accelerated away from client premises, and they strive to reduce the client hazard and cost by switching their endeavour foundation.

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Benefits of public cloud

  • Public cloud is cost-effective

  • Address Independence

  • Profitability style costing

  • Perfect Scalability, Flexibility and Reliability

Private Cloud

A private cloud is absolutely hosted on customer establishment. It provides all the hosted services to the authorized users behind a company firewall, with the help of community computing architecture. Hence, the company has dominance over the data, resources, security, and QoS.

Private Cloud can be sent in an association data-center or similarly at a collocation office. It possesses the framework and commands how applications are delivered on it. Private Cloud can be assembled and organized by an organization’s own IT office or by cloud expertise.

Benefits of private cloud

  • Easy and comminute scale

  • Economies of Scale

  • Operational productivity

  • Customer Self-Service

  • Chargeback and Show back


Comparing public and private cloud

Gartner's report predicts that more than half of the global organizations that are utilizing cloud today will select an all-in-cloud strategy by 2021. Public and private cloud classifier services involve Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Functions as a Service (FaaS). The infrastructure architecture, the cloud models can take different forms and features, incorporating virtualized, software-defined, and hyper-converged models are few of the cloud solutions and services depend on business requirements.

Which is an ideal solution?

In core, both private and public clouds have their benefits and disadvantages. Besides, it relatively is all about the handle that matters while opting for cloud services. While a large-scale company may go with a private cloud, and a smaller industry might choose a public cloud.

Moreover, Hybrid cloud services can provide the best of both worlds. It assists businesses to deploy the most sensitive applications in the private cloud while keeping other characters in a public cloud service provider. The cloud storage and collaboration solutions make it troublesome for enterprises to select a single alternative. But that decision is getting simpler, with cloud-managed private cloud models taking the best from both models to dispatch the proficiency of deployment and use of public clouds, cooperated with the security of private cloud deployments.


In a nutshell, cloud servers are the best solution for any kind of business despite organization size. It plays a vital role in securing the volumes of data and helpful in data management and backup. The day not so far that the organizations would completely depend on the cloud servers for their entire work lifecycle. Hence, cloud server is the future of running business.

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